How the Review Process Works:

We accept titles of all popular genres, targeted at any age group. However, please make sure your book fulfills the following criteria before submitting:

  • Your book was launched within the past 10 years.
  • Your book should be written in English.

We reserve the right to reject submissions that don’t follow our guidelines. Books we don’t accept include:

  • Content that promotes violence or hatred against people based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, disease, age, sexual orientation, gender, or gender identity;
  • Books that don’t respect the copyrights and trademarks of others. Unless you’re authorized to use someone else’s copyrighted work or trademark (either expressly, or by legal exceptions and limitations, such as fair use), we won’t accept your submission;
  • Gratuitously graphic or disturbing media, even if it’s not pornographic. We do allow erotic writing and non-graphic erotic images, but please indicate this by checking the “Explicit Content” box in the submission form;
  • Content gratuitously and insensitively describing the sexual or violent exploitation of children.

After submitting your payment for the service(s) chosen, Authors can either email a pdf copy of their book or mail a physical copy to the address provided below. For authors who choose the video book review, a physical copy is required.

Please mail all physical copies to:

Grosse Pointe Book Review
1065 Wayburn St
Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan 48230

All pdf copies of books can be emailed to: